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Game Like a Champion

We are committed to promoting safe & responsible online gaming

Our Vision is to build an “inclusive and socially committed ESPORTS community" where gamers of all skill levels can compete in a FAIR and REWARDING environment. We host a variety of tournaments and league competitions on our platform to promote and inspire player development. We are always looking for ways to take skill gaming to the next level. We want to push casuals up a level to grow into avid gamers while guiding our more hardened users on the path to becoming elite and possibly professional. Our platform is featured on SideHustleNation's official list of ways to make money playing video games online.


Esports have the amazing power to bring people from different backgrounds and walks of life together. Forming this feeling of community and togetherness on our platform is of the utmost importance to us. We want this to be a social yet competitive environment where gamers can come to challenge one another and also share meaningful and lasting interactions.

We strive to ensure a secure and fair competition environment for gamers of all skill levels to compete and bet on their performance. Maintaining the highest standard of integrity and upfront transparency with our users to become the most trusted ESPORTS Platform on the web. 


We are a team of gamers and esports journalists committed to bringing a competitive edge to gaming in the USA, by developing innovative concepts and AI-driven solutions to make competitive and casual gaming more exciting and rewarding.

GameChampions is the hub of online esports in the United States and our business model has been approved to operate as a Skill Gaming platform that organizes free and pay-to-enter ESPORTS competitions. 


Our unique Champions Draft™ algorithm considers thousands of data points to create fair and rewarding matches for all the players involved in competitions on our platform. We developed Champions Draft™ in response to the overwhelming number of complaints we received from novice and intermediate-level players who registered on other platforms and found themselves paired with high-level players in completely unbalanced matches. We are filling this gap in the market through innovative AI-driven solutions to guarantee fair play and balanced matches so that all of our players can enjoy a safe and rewarding gaming experience 

Our ultimate goal is to provide a FUN and FAIR competition environment for gamers of all skill levels to compete and bet on their own performance.


Mental health and wellbeing. Recent research carried out by Oxford University has indicated that video games have a positive impact on your mental health and well-being for a variety of reasons (Oxford Internet Institute). As human beings, we need social interaction and this has become even more evident during the long periods of lockdowns and social distancing imposed by governments to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. During this pandemic period, millions of people felt lonely and isolated in their own houses which in many cases resulted in serious health issues leading to depression and other psychological/mental disorders. ESPORTS games are ideal for combatting loneliness, and online multiplayer games can be a great way to meet people and feel part of a community that is there anytime you need it. You can chat online with friends, meet new people, play your favorite games, and forge lasting bonds on GameChampions. 


Scientific studies have shown that people who game often have better cognitive abilities in terms of analogy, processing speed, deductive reasoning, and mathematical intelligence than those who don’t play video games. Cognitive skills like these are important for thinking and learning, and they can even help us develop better memories and attention spans. So, playing games can make our brains healthier and process information more effectively especially video games that require concentration and mental agility like chess, checkers, and similar strategy video games. These cognitive skills can also help us succeed more at work and in education, in addition to performing better in our everyday lives, which in turn can make us happier individuals. So, there are plenty of reasons to continue developing your gaming skills.


GameChampions' roadmap as a Skill Gaming platform has a clear focus on casual gamers but also includes an entire segment dedicated to Corporate Leagues to improve employees' cognitive skills, team spirit, and well-being. We created an online environment where professionals come together to game, bond with colleagues, and make new connections all while making a positive impact through charity fundraising. GameChampions offers businesses an affordable entertainment activity with easy, fast, and global reach to boost employee engagement and team spirit in the new era of working remotely from different locations. Contact us through Linkedin if you are interested in starting your very own corporate Esports league.