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How to Download and Play CS:GO on Steam in 2024

It's still playable, but you have to follow these steps first.

downloading and playing csgo in 2024

If you want to play the classic Counter-Strike: Global Offensive instead of CS2, then you're in the right place. Here, you'll learn the simple trick that lets you download and play CS:GO on Steam in 2024.

How to Play CS:GO in 2024

First, you'll need to have Counter-Strike 2 in your Steam Library. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Right click on Counter-Strike 2 in the Games List
  2. Select Properties
  3. Go to the Betas tab
  4. Next to Beta Participation, select csgo_legacy - Legacy Version of CS:GO

downloading csgo in 2024 how to do it

CS:GO is now ready to be downloaded, but it might take a while as the file size is around 13GB.

Ignore the Popup

When you first start CS:GO and after each match, you might get a pop-up prompting you to update to CS2. This can safely be ignored.

How to Play CS:GO Online in 2024

Unfortunately, the official Community Servers are no longer available, but you can still join other private servers and participate via CS:GO tournament platforms.

Enjoy your nostalgia trip back to the good old CS:GO times!

About the author

Adan Cabal

I’ve cultivated my writing skills and learned to marry my interests by working as a gaming journalist here at Game Champions. This is a perfect way to talk about the things I’ve always loved and share my thoughts with a wider audience.