509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
All Pokémon Radical Red Cheat Codes
We've gathered the cheat codes for the Radical Red Pokémon ROM Hack
If you're looking to speed up your Pokémon Radical Red gaming experience, cheat codes can be a fun and exciting way to unlock new possibilities. In this article, we will list all cheat codes available for this popular ROM hack created by Soupercell. At the bottom you'll also learn how to download and play the Radical Red ROM hack.
To activate cheats in Pokémon Radical Red, you will need a GameShark or Action Replay device or emulator. These external devices or software allow you to input cheat codes and activate them within the game.
Pokémon Radical Red Cheats List
Click on the cheat you want the codes for.
Game Shark
29C78059 96542194
Code Breaker
820257BC 423F
820257BE 000F
Instructions: Add any TM/HM to your collection by replacing XXXX with the TM/HM code of your choice. Note that you only need one of each in this version of the game.
820257C4 XXXX
TM/HM Codes
0121 = TM01 Focus Punch
0122 = TM02 Dragon Claw
0123 = TM03 Water Pulse
0124 = TM04 Calm Mind
0125 = TM05 Roar
0126 = TM06 Toxic
0127 = TM07 Hail
0128 = TM08 Bulk Up
0129 = TM09 Bullet Seed
012A = TM10 Hidden Power
012B = TM11 Sunny Day
012C = TM12 Taunt
012D = TM13 Ice Beam
012E = TM14 Blizzard
012F = TM15 Hyper Beam
0130 = TM16 Light Screen
0131 = TM17 Protect
0132 = TM18 Rain Dance
0133 = TM19 Giga Drain
0134 = TM20 Safeguard
0135 = TM21 Frustration
0136 = TM22 Solar Beam
0137 = TM23 Iron Tail
0138 = TM24 Thunderbolt
0139 = TM25 Thunder
013A = TM26 Earthquake
013B = TM27 Return
013C = TM28 Dig
013D = TM29 Psychic
013E = TM30 Shadow Ball
013F = TM31 Brick Break
0140 = TM32 Double Team
0141 = TM33 Reflect
0142 = TM34 Shock Wave
0143 = TM35 Flamethrower
0144 = TM36 Sludge Bomb
0145 = TM37 Sandstorm
0146 = TM38 Fire Blast
0147 = TM39 Rock Tomb
0148 = TM40 Aerial Ace
0149 = TM41 Torment
014A = TM42 Facade
014B = TM43 Secret Power
014C = TM44 Rest
014D = TM45 Attract
014E = TM46 Thief
014F = TM47 Steel Wing
0150 = TM48 Skill Swap
0151 = TM49 Snatch
0152 = TM50 Overheat
0153 = HM01 Cut
0154 = HM02 Fly
0155 = HM03 Surf
0156 = HM04 Strength
0157 = HM05 Flash
0158 = HM06 Rock Smash
0159 = HM07 Waterfall
015A = HM08 Dive
Your Pokémon will receive a massive amount of EXP after each battle.
Enter the code for the Pokémon you wish to maximize its stats based on its position in the party.
Position: 1st
Position: 2nd
Position: 3rd
Position: 4th
Position: 5th
Position: 6th
820257C4 0001
EFCE867D 5403D40D
Instructions: Add any Misc Item to your collection by replacing XXXX with the Item code of your choice.
820257C4 XXXX
Misc Item Codes
00B3 = Bright Powder
00B4 = White Herb
00B5 = Macho Brace
00B6 = Exp Share
00B7 = Quick C Law
00B8 = Soothe Bell
00B9 = Mental Herb
00BA = C Hoice Band
00BB = King’s Rock
00BC = Silver Powder
00BD = Amulet C Oin
00BE = C Leanse Tag
00BF = Soul Dew
00C0 = Deep Sea Tooth
00C1 = Deep Sea Scale
00C2 = Smoke Ball
00C3 = Everstone
00C4 = Focus Band
00C5 = Lucky Egg
00C6 = Scope Lens
00C7 = Metal C Oat
00C8 = Leftovers
00C9 = Dragon Scale
00CA = Light Ball
00CB = Soft Sand
00CC = Hard Stone
00CD = Miracle Seed
00CE = Black Glasses
00CF = Black Belt
00D0 = Magnet
00D1 = Mystic Water
00D2 = Sharp Beak
00D3 = Poison Barb
00D4 = Nevermelt Ice
00D5 = Spell Tag
00D6 = Twisted Spoon
00D7 = C Harcoal
00D8 = Dragon Fang
00D9 = Silk Scarf
00DA = Up-Grade
00DB = Shell Bell
00DC = Sea Incense
00DD = Lax Incense
00DE = Lucky Punch
00DF = Metal Powder
00E0 = Thick C Lub
00E1 = Stick
00FE = Red Scarf
00FF = Blue Scarf
0100 = Pink Scarf
0101 = Green Scarf
0102 = Yellow Scarf
0103 = Mach Bike
0104 = C Oin C Ase
0105 = ItemFinder
0106 = Old Rod
0107 = Good Rod
0108 = Super Rod
0109 = S.S. Ticket
010A = C Ontest Pass
010C = Wailmer Pail
010D = Devon’s Goods
010E = Soot Sack
010F = Basement Key
0110 = Acro Bike
0111 = PokeBlock C Ase
0112 = Letter
0113 = Eon Ticket
0114 = Red Orb
0115 = Blue Orb
0116 = Scanner
0117 = Go-Goggles
0118 = Meteorite
0119 = Rm.1 Key
011A = Rm.2 Key
011B = Rm.4 Key
011C = Rm.6 Key
011D = Storage Key
011E = Root Fossil
011F = C Law Fossil
0120 = Devon Scope
001A = Fresh Water
001B = Soda Pop
001C = Lemonade
001D = MooMoo Milk
001E = Energy Powder
001F = Energy Root
0020 = Heal Powder
0021 = Revival Herb
0022 = Ether
0023 = Max Ether
0024 = Elixer
0025 = Max Elixer
0026 = Lava C Ookie
0027 = Blue Flute
0028 = Yellow Flute
0029 = Red Flute
002A = Black Flute
002B = White Flute
002C = Berry Juice
002D = Sacred Ash
002E = Shoal Salt
002F = Shoal Shell
0030 = Red Shard
0031 = Blue Shard
0032 = Yellow Shard
0033 = Green Shard
003F = HP Up
0040 = Protein
0041 = Iron
0042 = C Arbos
0043 = C Alcium
0044 = Rare C Andy
0045 = PP Up
0046 = Zinc
0047 = PP Max
0049 = Guard Spec
004A = Dire Hit
004B = X Attack
004C = X Defend
004D = X Speed
004E = X Accuracy
004F = X Special
0050 = Poke Doll
0051 = Fluffy Tail
0053 = Super Repel
0054 = Max Repel
0055 = Escape Rope
0056 = Repel
005D = Sun Stone
005E = Moon Stone
005F = Fire Stone
0060 = Thunder Stone
0061 = Water Stone
0062 = Leaf Stone
0067 = Tiny Mushroom
0068 = Big Mushroom
006A = Pearl
006B = Big Pearl
006C = Stardust
006D = Star Piece
006E = Nugget
006F = Heart Scale
0079 = Orange Mail
007A = Harbor Mail
007B = Glitter Mail
007C = Mech Mail
007D = Wood Mail
007E = Wave Mail
007F = Bead Mail
0080 = Shadow Mail
0081 = Tropic Mail
0082 = Dream Mail
0083 = Fab Mail
0084 = Retro Mail
820257C4 0044
Instructions: Add any Healing Item to your collection by replacing XXXX with the Healing Item code of your choice.
820257C4 XXXX
Healing Item Codes
000D = Potion
000E = Antidote
000F = Burn Heal
0010 = Ice Heal
0011 = Awakening
0012 = Parlyz Heal
0013 = Full Restore
0014 = Max Potion
0015 = Hyper Potion
0016 = Super Potion
0017 = Full Heal
0018 = Revive
0019 = Max Revive
Instructions: Add any Berry to your collection by replacing XXXX with the Berry code of your choice.
820257C4 XXXX
Berry Codes
0085 = Cheri Berry
0086 = Chesto Berry
0087 = Pecha Berry
0088 = Rawst Berry
0089 = Aspear Berry
008A = Leppa Berry
008B = Oran Berry
008C = Persim Berry
008D = Lum Berry
008E = Sitrus Berry
008F = Figy Berry
0090 = Wiki Berry
0091 = Mago Berry
0092 = Aguav Berry
0093 = Iapapa Berry
0094 = Razz Berry
0095 = Bluk Berry
0096 = Nanab Berry
0097 = Wepear Berry
0098 = Pinap Berry
0099 = Pomeg Berry
009A = Kelpsy Berry
009B = Qualot Berry
009C = Hondew Berry
009D = Grepa Berry
009E = Tamato Berry
009F = C Ornn Berry
00A0 = Magost Berry
00A1 = Rabuta Berry
00A2 = Nomel Berry
00A3 = Spelon Berry
00A4 = Pamtre Berry
00A5 = Watmel Berry
00A6 = Durin Berry
00A7 = Belue Berry
00A8 = Liechi Berry
00A9 = Ganlon Berry
00AA = Salac Berry
00AB = Petaya Berry
00AC = Apicot Berry
00AD = Lansat Berry
00AE = Starf Berry
00AF = Enigma Berry
Teleport/Warp to certain places
Instruction: To teleport to a specific location, replace XXXX with the corresponding Location code from an Access Point. It is essential to remember to turn off the cheat after use to avoid continuous teleportation. Additionally, please note that only one teleport code should be activated at a time.
Teleport Location Codes
0003 = Pallet Town
0103 = Viridian City
0203 = Pewter City
0303 = Cerulean City
0403 = Lavender Town
0503 = Vermilion City
0603 = Celedon City
0703 = Fuchsia City
0803 = Cinnabar Island
0903 = Indigo Plateau
0A03 = Saffron City
0B03 = Neo-Saffron City
0C03 = Island 1
0D03 = Island 2
0E03 = Island 3
0F03 = Island 4
1003 = Island 5
1103 = Island 6
1203 = Island 7
1303 = Route 1
1403 = Route 2
1503 = Route 3
1603 = Route 4
1703 = Route 5
1803 = Route 6
1903 = Route 7
1a03 = Route 8
1b03 = Route 9
1c03 = Route 10
1d03 = Route 11
1e03 = Route 12
1f03 = Route 13
2003 = Route 14
2103 = Route 15
2203 = Route 16
2303 = Route 17
2403 = Route 18
2503 = Route 19
2603 = Route 20
2703 = Route 21
2803 = Neo Route 21
2903 = Route 22
2A03 = Route 23
2B03 = Route 24
2C03 = Route 25
Activate this code to give your Pokémon the power to defeat enemy Pokémon with just one hit. This cheat applies to all damaging moves, regardless of the amount of damage they inflict.
C833D1A0 02FA7205
Use this code and your next encounter will be a Wild Shiny Pokémon.
1670047D 04815C68
18452A7D DDE55BCC
All items in the Poke Mart will only cost 1 each after entering this code.
3C25A344 FD8F451C
AD86124F 2823D8DA
42023C08 6363
00000002 0002
To customize the nature of wild Pokémon, first input the initial code followed by the specific nature code you desire. With the code in place, your next encounter and capture will be of the desired nature.
Initial Code:
Nature Codes
AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95 D73BC50A 5F47AA0E for Lonely Nature.
D0E34D66 5796A7D3 = Hardy
D73BC50A 5F47AA0E = Lonely
E485844D 2F24038C = Brave
5EB8DEEE 692ED298 = Adamant
83286B46 6479AA98 = Naughty
35EB915F 08F33974 = Bold
A58F6F1B BFB13FEF = Docile
34027F23 7E7E1599 = Relaxed
CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 = Impish
D593BF29 E18AAAE5 = Lax
1BC372C9 06B4D17F = Timid
D4950A99 D729D80A = Hasty
93F04759 F95753D9 = Serious
E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7 = Jolly
56F744B0 37E16732 = Naive
E1EB2109 4480C28D = Modest
A2461E51 304137B6 = Mild
0456554B 66D3AAF9 = Quiet
B05B4CCD A0A1505B = Bashful
909149AB 2DE8726A = Rash
31F62F82 D9A0C100 = Calm
9A41D845 41B93FE6 = Gentle
D47DA721 6C3B9FFC = Sassy
1A15BF1E E72650E4 = Careful
5A7B2626 21ECD183 = Quirky
Z Moves, Fossils and Wishing Piece
Instructions: Add to your collection by replacing XXXX with the code of your choice.
820257C4 XXXX
0244 = Normal type Z
0245 = fighting type Z
0246 = flying type Z
0247 = poison type Z
0248 = ground type Z
0249 = rock type Z
0250 = electric type Z
0251 = psychic type Z
0252 = ice type Z
0253 = dragon type Z
0254 = dark type Z
0255 = fairy type Z
0256 = alola richu Z
0257 = Decidueye Z
0258 = eevee Z
0259 = incineroar Z
0260 = Pikachu volt tackle Z
0261 = Pikachu thunderbolt Z
0262 = primarina Z
0263 = snorlax Z
0264 = solgaleo Z
0265 = tapu’s Z
0266 = apricod ball
0267 = apricod ball
0268 = apricod ball
0269 = apricod ball
0270 = relic
0271 = relic
0272 = relic
0273 = relic
0274 = skull fossil
0275 = Armor fossil
0276 = cover fossil
0277 = plum fossil
0278 = jaw fossil
0279 = sail fossil
0280 = golden bottle cap
0281 = wish piece
Confirm the gender of your next Pokémon encounter.
EB34F751 A96B854D
141BB87C 83D7018F
EB34F751 A96B854D
78DA95DF 44018CB4
820285C6 00FE
820257C4 027F
Instructions: Add any Item to your collection by replacing XXXX with the Item code of your choice.
820257C4 XXXX
Item Codes
028F = Normal Gem
0290 = Fighting Gem
0291 = Flying Gem
0292 = Poison Gem
0293 = Ground Gem
0294 = Rock Gem
0295 = Bug Gem
0296 = Ghost Gem
0297 = Steel Gem
0298 = Fire Gem
0299 = Water Gem
029A = Grass Gem
029B = Electric Gem
029C = Psychic Gem
029D = Ice Gem
029E = Dragon Gem
029F = Dark Gem
02A0 = Fairy Gem
02A1 = Wide Lens
02A2 = Muscle Band
02A3 = Wise Glasses
02A4 = Expert Belt
02A5 = Light Clay
02A6 = Life Orb
02A7 = Power Herb
02A8 = Toxic Orb
02A9 = Flame Orb
02AA = Quick Powder
02AB = Focus Sash
02AC = Zoom Lens
02AD = Metronome
02AE = Iron Ball
02AF = Lagging Tail
02B0 = Destiny Knot
02B1 = Black Sludge
02B2 = Icy Rock
02B3 = Smooth Rock
02B4 = Heat Rock
02B5 = Damp Rock
02B6 = Grip Claw
02B7 = Choice Scarf
02B8 = Choice Specs
02B9 = Sticky barb
02BA = Shed Shell
02BB = Big Root
02BC = Eviolite
02BD = Float Stone
02BE = Rocky Helmet
02BF = Air Balloon
02C0 = Red Card
02C1 = Ring Target
02C2 = Binding Band
02C3 = Absorb Bulb
02C4 = Cell Battery
02C5 = Eject Button
02C6 = Weakness Policy
02C7 = Assault Vest
02C8 = Luminous Moss
02C9 = Snowball
02CA = Safe Goggles
02CB = Adrenal Orb
02CC = Terrain Ext.
02CD = Protect Pads
02CE = Electric Seed
02CF Grass Seed
02D0 = Misty Seed
02D1 = Psychic Seed
02D2 = Eject Pack
02D3 = Room Service
02D4 = Blunder Policy
02D5 = Heavy D Boots
02D6 = Ut Umbrella
02D7 = Throat Spray
Instructions: Add any Mega Ring/MegaStone to your collection by replacing XXXX with the Item code of your choice.
82003884 XXXX
Mega Ring & Mega Stone Codes
0161 = Mega Ring
0215 = Venusaurite
0216 = Charizardite X
0217 = Charizardite Y
0218 = Blastoisinite
0219 = Beedrillite
021A = Pidgeotite
021B = Alakazite
021C = Slowbronite
021D = Gengarite
021E = Kangaskhanite
021F = Pinsirite
0220 = Gyaradosite
0221 = Aerodactylite
0222 = Mewtwonite X
0223 = Mewtwonite Y
0224 = Ampharosite
0225 = Steelixite
0226 = Scizorite
0227 = Heracronite
0228 = Houndoominite
0229 = Tyranitarite
022A = Skeptilite
022B = Blazikenite
022C = Swampertite
022D = Gardevoirite
022E = Sablenite
022F = Mawilite
0230 = Aggronite
0231 = Medichamite
0232 = Manectite
0233 = Sharpedonite
0234 = Cameruptite
0235 = Altarianite
0236 = Banettite
0237 = Absolite
0238 = Glalitite
0239 = Salamencite
023A = Metagrossite
023B = Latiasite
023C = Latiosite
023D = Lopunnite
023E = Garchompite
023F = Lucarionite
0240 = Abomasite
0241 = Galladite
0242 = Audinite
0243 = Diancite
0244 = Normalium Z
0245 = Fightinium Z
0246 = Flyinium Z
0247 = Poisonium Z
0248 = Groundium Z
0249 = Rockium Z
024A = Buginium Z
024B = Ghostium Z
024C = Steelium Z
024D = Firium Z
024E = Waterium Z
024F = Grassium Z
0250 = Electrium Z
0251 = Psychium Z
0252 = Icium Z
0253 = Dragonium Z
0254 = Darkinium Z
0255 = Fairium Z
0256 = Aloraichium Z
0257 = Decidium Z
0258 = Eevium Z
0259 = Incinium Z
025A = Commune Z
025B = Lunalium Z
025C = Lycanium Z
025D = Marshadium Z
025E = Mewnium Z
025F = Mimikium Z
0260 = Pikanium Z
0261 = Pikashunium Z
0262 = Primarium Z
0263 = Snorlium Z
0264 = Solganium Z
0265 = Tapunium Z
02D8 = Machampite
02D9 = Laprasite
02DA = Butterfrite
02DB = Garbodorite
02DC = Snorlaxite
02DD = Kinglerite
02DE = Toxtricitite
02DF = Coalossite
02E0 = Duraludite
02E1 = Drednawite
02E2 = Copperajite
02E3 = Applite
02E4 = Orbeetlite
02E5 = Grimmsnite
02E7 = Centiskite
02E8 = Sandacondite
02E9 = Alcremite
02EA = Eternamax Orb
Mega and Primal Pokemon Encounter
Enter the code to change your next wild encounter into a Mega or Primal Pokémon.
VENUSAUR_MEGA = 8202404C 0365
CHARIZARD_MEGA_X = 8202404C 0366
CHARIZARD_MEGA_Y = 8202404C 0367
BLASTOISE_MEGA = 8202404C 0368
BEEDRILL_MEGA = 8202404C 0369
PIDGEOT_MEGA = 8202404C 036A
ALAKAZAM_MEGA = 8202404C 036B
SLOWBRO_MEGA = 8202404C 036C
GENGAR_MEGA = 8202404C 036D
PINSIR_MEGA = 8202404C 036F
GYARADOS_MEGA = 8202404C 0370
AERODACTYL_MEGA = 8202404C 0371
MEWTWO_MEGA_X = 8202404C 0372
MEWTWO_MEGA_Y = 8202404C 0373
AMPHAROS_MEGA = 8202404C 0374
STEELIX_MEGA = 8202404C 0375
SCIZOR_MEGA = 8202404C 0376
HERACROSS_MEGA = 8202404C 0377
HOUNDOOM_MEGA = 8202404C 0378
TYRANITAR_MEGA = 8202404C 0379
SCEPTILE_MEGA = 8202404C 037A
BLAZIKEN_MEGA = 8202404C 037B
SWAMPERT_MEGA = 8202404C 037C
GARDEVOIR_MEGA = 8202404C 037D
SABLEYE_MEGA = 8202404C 037E
MAWILE_MEGA = 8202404C 037F
AGGRON_MEGA = 8202404C 0380
MEDICHAM_MEGA = 8202404C 0381
MANECTRIC_MEGA = 8202404C 0382
SHARPEDO_MEGA = 8202404C 0383
CAMERUPT_MEGA = 8202404C 0384
ALTARIA_MEGA = 8202404C 0385
BANETTE_MEGA = 8202404C 0386
ABSOL_MEGA = 8202404C 0387
GLALIE_MEGA = 8202404C 0388
SALAMENCE_MEGA = 8202404C 0389
METAGROSS_MEGA = 8202404C 038A
LATIAS_MEGA = 8202404C 038B
LATIOS_MEGA = 8202404C 038C
GROUDON_PRIMAL = 8202404C 038D
KYOGRE_PRIMAL = 8202404C 038E
RAYQUAZA_MEGA = 8202404C 038F
LOPUNNY_MEGA = 8202404C 0390
GARCHOMP_MEGA = 8202404C 0391
LUCARIO_MEGA = 8202404C 0392
ABOMASNOW_MEGA = 8202404C 0393
GALLADE_MEGA = 8202404C 0394
AUDINO_MEGA = 8202404C 0395
DIANCIE_MEGA = 8202404C 0396
DIALGA_PRIMAL = 8202404C 0397
PALKIA_PRIMAL = 8202404C 0398
Gen 1 to 8: Legendary and Mythical Pokemon
Generation I (Kanto)
Articuno = 8202404C 0090
Zapdos = 8202404C 0091
Moltres = 8202404C 0092
Mewtwo = 8202404C 0096
Mew = 8202404C 0097
Generation II (Johto)
Raikou = 8202404C 00F3
Entei = 8202404C 00F4
Suicune = 8202404C 00F5
Lugia = 8202404C 00F9
Ho-Oh = 8202404C 00FA
Celebi = 8202404C 00FB
Generation III (Hoenn)
Regirock = 8202404C 0191
Regice = 8202404C 0192
Registeel = 8202404C 0193
Latias = 8202404C 0197
Latios = 8202404C 0198
Kyogre = 8202404C 0194
Groudon = 8202404C 0195
Rayquaza = 8202404C 0196
Jirachi = 8202404C 0199
Deoxys = 8202404C 019A
Generation IV (Sinnoh)
Uxie = 8202404C 0215
Mesprit = 8202404C 0216
Azelf = 8202404C 0217
Dialga = 8202404C 0218
Palkia = 8202404C 0219
Heatran = 8202404C 021A
Regigigas = 8202404C 021B
Giratina = 8202404C 021C
Cresselia = 8202404C 021D
Phione = 8202404C 021E
Manaphy = 8202404C 021F
Darkrai = 8202404C 0220
Shaymin = 8202404C 0221
Arceus = 8202404C 0222
Generation V (Unova)
Victini = 8202404C 0223
Cobalion = 8202404C 02B3
Terrakion = 8202404C 02B4
Virizion = 8202404C 02B5
Tornadus = 8202404C 02B6
Thundurus = 8202404C 02B7
Reshiram = 8202404C 02B8
Zekrom = 8202404C 02B9
Landorus = 8202404C 02BA
Kyurem = 8202404C 02BB
Keldeo = 8202404C 02BC
Meloetta = 8202404C 02BD
Genesect = 8202404C 02BE
Generation VI (Kalos)
Xerneas = 8202404C 0338
Yveltal = 8202404C 0339
Zygarde = 8202404C 0343
Zygarde 0% = 8202404C 0343
Zygarde 5% = 8202404C 0344
Zygarde 15% Form = 8202404C 0345
Zygarde 50% = 8202404C 033A
Zygarde 100% Form = 8202404C 0346
Diancie = 8202404C 033B
Hoopa Bound = 8202404C 033C
Hoopa Unbound = 8202404C 033D
Volcanion = 8202404C 033E
Generation VII (Alola)
Tapu Koko = 8202404C 03EA
Tapu Lele = 8202404C 03EB
Tapu Bulu = 8202404C 03EC
Tapu Fini = 8202404C 03ED
Cosmog = 8202404C 03EE
Cosmoem = 8202404C 03EF
Solgaleo = 8202404C 03F0
Lunala = 8202404C 03F1
Nihilego = 8202404C 03F2
Buzzwole = 8202404C 03F3
Pheromosa = 8202404C 03F4
Xurkitree = 8202404C 03F5
Celesteela = 8202404C 03F6
Kartana = 8202404C 03F7
Guzzlord = 8202404C 03F8
Necrozma = 8202404C 03F9
Magearna = 8202404C 03FA
Marshadow = 8202404C 03FB
Zeraora = 8202404C 0436
Meltan = 8202404C 043B
Melmetal = 8202404C 043C
Generation VIII (Galar)
Zacian Hero = 8202404C 049C
Zamazenta Hero = 8202404C
Eternatus = 8202404C 049D
Kubfu = 8202404C 049F
Urshifu Single Strike = 8202404C 04A0
Regieleki = 8202404C 04A4
Regidrago = 8202404C 04A5
Glastrier = 8202404C 04F3
Spectrier = 8202404C 04F2
Calyrex = 8202404C 04A3
Zarude = 8202404C 04A1
Enter the code (excluding the Pokémon name) to change your next wild encounter into a Gen 9 Pokémon,
8202404C 0399 Sprigatito
8202404C 039A Floragato
8202404C 039B Meowscarada
8202404C 039C Fuecoco
8202404C 039D Crocalor
8202404C 039E Skeledirge
8202404C 039F Quaxly
8202404C 03A0 Quaxwell
8202404C 03A1 Quaquaval
8202404C 034E Lechonk
8202404C 034F Oinkologne Male
8202404C 0351 Oinkologne Female
8202404C 0522 Tarountula
8202404C 0523 Spidops
8202404C 0524 Nymble
8202404C 0525 Lokix
8202404C 04A2 Seviian Lokix
8202404C 04B0 Seviian Nymble
8202404C 034B Pawmi
8202404C 034C Pawmo
8202404C 034D Pawmot
8202404C 0532 Tandemaus
8202404C 0533 Maushold (Family of Four)
8202404C 0543 Fidough
8202404C 0544 Daschbun
8202404C 052C Smoliv
8202404C 052D Dolliv
8202404C 052E Arboliva
8202404C 053A Squawkabilly (Green Plumage)
8202404C 054B Squawkabilly (White Plumage)
8202404C 053C Nacli
8202404C 053D Naclstack
8202404C 053E Garganacl
8202404C 03AA Charcadet
8202404C 03A7 Armarouge
8202404C 03A6 Ceruledge
8202404C 035D Tadbulb
8202404C 035E Bellibolt
8202404C 0537 Wattrel
8202404C 0538 Kilowattrel
8202404C 0545 Maschiff
8202404C 0546 Mabosstiff
8202404C 0541 Shroodle
8202404C 0542 Grafaiai
8202404C 0547 Bramblin
8202404C 0548 Brambleghast
8202404C 04AE Toedscool
8202404C 04AF Toedscruel
8202404C 02C2 Klawf
8202404C 052F Capsakid
8202404C 0530 Scovillain
8202404C 0526 Rellor
8202404C 0527 Rabsca
8202404C 0528 Flittle
8202404C 0529 Espathra
8202404C 0348 Tinkatink
8202404C 0349 Tinkatuff
8202404C 034A Tinkaton
8202404C 03A4 Wiglett
8202404C 03A5 Wugtrio
8202404C 0539 Bombirdier
8202404C 035F Finizen
8202404C 0360 Finizen (Zero Form)
8202404C 0361 Finizen (Hero Form)
8202404C 0343 Varoom
8202404C 0344 Revavroom
8202404C 044D Cyclizar
8202404C 0531 Orthworm
8202404C 053F Glimmet
8202404C 0540 Glimmora
8202404C 035B Greavard
8202404C 035C Houndstone
8202404C 053B Flamigo
8202404C 0534 Cetoddle
8202404C 0535 Cetitan
8202404C 052B Veluza
8202404C 052A Dondozo
8202404C 0536 Tatsugiri (Curly Form)
8202404C 03A9 Annililape
8202404C 03A2 Paldean Wooper
8202404C 03A3 Clodsire
8202404C 0364 Farigiraf
8202404C 044C Dudunsparce
8202404C 03A8 Kingambit
8202404C 04D5 Great Tusk
8202404C 04DD Scream Tail
8202404C 04DB Brute Bonnet
8202404C 04DE Flutter Mane
8202404C 04E7 Slither Wing
8202404C 04DC Sandy Shocks
8202404C 04EA Iron Treads
8202404C 04EE Iron Hands
8202404C 04EF Iron Jugulis
8202404C 04DF Iron Moth
8202404C 04CE Iron Thorn
8202404C 04AB Frigibax
8202404C 04AC Arctibax
8202404C 0352 Gimmighoul (Chest Form)
8202404C 0353 Gimmighoul (Roaming Form)
8202404C 0354 Gholdengo
8202404C 02ED Wo-Chien
8202404C 02EC Chien-Pao
8202404C 02EB Ting-Lu
8202404C 02EE Chi-Yu
8202404C 04E9 Roaring Moon
8202404C 04D0 Iron Valiant
8202404C 04A9 Koraidon
8202404C 04AA Miraidon
8202404C 054A Walking Wave
8202404C 0549 Iron Leaves
Hisuian Pokemon
8202404C 04F4 Basculegion Male
8202404C 04F5 Hisuian Braviary
8202404C 04F6 Wyrdeer
8202404C 04F7 Hisuian Growlithe
8202404C 04F8 Hisuian Arcanine
8202404C 04F9 Kleavor
8202404C 0500 Hisuian Zorua
8202404C 0501 Hisuian Zoroark
8202404C 050F Hisuian Voltorb
8202404C 0510 Hisuian Electrode
8202404C 0511 Hisuian Sliggo
8202404C 0512 Hisuian Goodra
8202404C 0513 Hisuian Typhlosion
8202404C 0514 Hisuian Samurott
8202404C 0515 Hisuian Decidueye
8202404C 0516 Ursaluna
8202404C 0517 Hisuian Liligant
8202404C 0518 Hisuian Sneasel
8202404C 0519 Sneasler
8202404C 051A Basculegion F
8202404C 051B Hisuian Qwilfish
8202404C 051C Overquil
8202404C 051D Hisuian Avalugg
8202404C 051E Dialga Origin
8202404C 051F Palkia Origin
8202404C 0520 Enamorus
8202404C 0521 Enamorus Therian
Seviian Pokemon
8202404C 04A2 Seviian Lokix
8202404C 04B0 Seviian Nymble
8202404C 0362 Seviian Noibat
8202404C 0363 Seviian Noivern
8202404C 04FA Seviian Blitzle
8202404C 04FB Seviian Zebstrika
8202404C 04FC Seviian Doduo
8202404C 04FD Seviian Dodrio
8202404C 04FE Seviian Teddirusa
8202404C 04FF Seviian Ursaring
8202404C 0502 Seviian Carnivine
8202404C 0503 Seviian Mantyke
8202404C 0504 Seviian Mantine
8202404C 0505 Seviian Feebas
8202404C 0506 Seviian Milotic
8202404C 0507 Seviian Clauncher
8202404C 0508 Seviian Clawitzer
8202404C 0509 Seviian Sizzlipede
8202404C 050A Seviian Centiskorch
8202404C 050B Mega Seviian Centiskorch
8202404C 050C Seviian Wishiwashi
8202404C 050D Seviian Wishiwashi (School Form)
8202404C 050E Seviian Dhelmise
- At the beginning of the game, navigate to the Settings menu
- Locate and click on the TV in your room
- Input the specific cheat codes mentioned below to enable the desired cheat functions
Misc Codes
TeamPreview = See entire opponent team when viewing
EZCatch = Increase catch rate to 100% with all Poke balls
SO2Toxic = Receive care packages from different locations within the Kanto region.
DexAll = Show all Pokémon in the area
Woyaopp = Infinite rare candies and Pomeg berries from the NPC in Veridian City.
Seviian = Get all the Seviian Mons
Mega = Get all mega stones (only use after Surge)
Puzzle = 100% Puzzle Completion
Legendary Pokemon
RXIlqgh29 = Ho-Oh
86ZvZG1Bm = Calyrex-Ice
qNubjEQuZki = Lugia
xZnwrncs = Rayquaza (Mega)
s75piYi = Darkrai
ZcqLcEfUDp5Z = Xerneas
xo6HsTl5Uym1 = Zamazenta
nvfArRPTYXcr = Reshiram
FHbrO5xLF3Vy = Palkia
enR6C8knHyO = Zacian
ELGzsFeJATlE = Deoxys
ghS57gu = Koraidon
02UXRthxlDrp = Zekrom
pGIk3xteX4Am = Calyrex Shadow Rider
h77XuRIDLXea = Giratina
sW0rdPjYsrjx = Yveital
Y2YWRRZPdw = Dialga
Pokemon Radical Red offers a variety of cheat codes that can enhance your gameplay experience. From boosting your Pokemon's stats to customizing their movesets and nature, these cheat codes provide a fun and convenient way to enhance your journey through the Kanto region.
However, it is important to use these cheats responsibly and remember that they may affect the balance of the game. The use of these cheat codes may cause bugs and glitches if used improperly. Always make sure to turn off cheat codes that you no longer use, and never use more than one cheat code at a time!
Good luck on your journey!

About the author
I’ve cultivated my writing skills and learned to marry my interests by working as a gaming journalist here at Game Champions. This is a perfect way to talk about the things I’ve always loved and share my thoughts with a wider audience.