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Best Crossplay Games in 2024

Your Trusted Source for Crossplay Compatibility. Our dedicated team compiles information from diverse sources and player feedback to keep you informed about the current crossplay capabilities of your favorite games. Whether you're curious about which titles support cross-platform play or want to know if your preferred gaming community is interconnected, our crossplay support database has you covered.

Which Games are Cross Platform in 2024

Understanding Cross-Play in Video Games: An Essential Guide for Gamers

Have you ever imagined the thrill of teaming up with a friend playing on an Xbox while you're on your PlayStation console for some intense multiplayer action? Or connecting with buddies across all platforms for an epic Fortnite showdown? If this sort of exciting collective gaming action tickles your fancy, then you're about to delve into the fantastic world of Cross-play. In this digital era, the gaming industry is ceaselessly innovating, and the emergence of Cross-play is undoubtedly a game-changer. Let's strap in and unravel the magic of Cross-play, a feature that allows gamers across different platforms unite in the quest for gaming glory! 

So, what exactly is this cross-play we're talking about? At its most basic level, cross-play is a feature that allows video game players on different platforms such as PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, to play together online. This transcends the traditional barriers of exclusive multiplayer environments, where players were restricted to engage the same game with fellow users on the same console or gaming platform. 

Over 70% of Fortnite players utilize cross-play functionality

It’s important to note here that not all games support cross-play. The decision is essentially up to the game developers and publishers if they want to include this revolutionary feature. Games such as Fortnite, Minecraft, and Call of Duty: Warzone are popular examples that have adopted cross-play.

Is cross-play the same as cross-platform gaming?

Not exactly, and the nuances can seem bewildering. Cross-play and cross-platform gaming, while akin to each other, serve subtly different functionalities in the gaming world. Let's help you understand it better. 

When we talk about cross-platform gaming, we're referring to the ability of a video game to run on multiple platforms or operating systems. For instance, you can play the version of a game like Fortnite or Minecraft not only on your PlayStation 4, but also on your PC, Nintendo Switch, M or even your mobile device. The game's software has been designed in such a way that it can function across these different systems. 

On the other hand, cross-play refers to the ability for gamers using different platforms to play with each other simultaneously. It's a feature that effectively bridges the gap between different gaming systems. To put it in simpler terms: If you're playing Rocket League on your PC, and your friend is gaming on their Xbox One - thanks to cross-play, you could both be dueling it out in the same gaming session! 

Despite their differences, both cross-play and cross-platform gaming strive toward a common goal: to create more flexible, unified, and inclusive gaming experiences for players everywhere.

Understanding the Concept: What is Cross-Play in Video Games?

Increasingly, gamers are seeking ways to connect and compete with players across different gaming systems. This is where cross-play, also known as cross-platform play, comes into the picture. Essentially, cross-play breaks down the traditional barriers that, in the past, have limited multiplayer gaming to owners of the same console. The gaming community is becoming more interconnected than ever before, thanks to this innovative technology. 

Cross-play has busted open the barriers in the gaming industry, enabling players to connect, compete, and cooperate with their friends, regardless of what gaming platform they use. Before we delve into the complexities of cross-play, here's a quick list of key facts on this transformative trend in gaming: 

  • Cross-play, also known as cross-platform play, allows gamers using different gaming devices — such as PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Nintendo — to play with each other simultaneously.
  • The use of cross-play started gaining traction around 2017, when popular games like Fortnite championed the feature.
  • Cross-play can increase a game's longevity by keeping player populations high across all systems, a factor that's vital for multiplayer games.
  • While the benefits are numerous, cross-play development is challenging due to the differences in hardware, software, and online services between platforms.
  • Not all games support cross-play. Compatibility varies depending on the game developer's resources and the policies of platform holders like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo.
  • Cross-play fosters a larger, unified gaming community, breaking down barriers between players.
  • In a survey, 68% of gamers said they would like more games to support cross-play

Which popular video games currently support cross-play?

Cross-play, or cross-platform play, is a feature that allows gamers to play with others regardless of the platform they are using. Several popular video games currently support this feature. One of the most notable is 'Fortnite', developed by Epic Games. This battle royale game supports cross-play across PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices.

Another game that supports cross-play is 'Minecraft'. This sandbox game from Mojang Studios allows players on PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices to interact and play together. 'Rocket League', a vehicular soccer game developed by Psyonix, also supports cross-play across PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Several other popular games also support cross-play, including 'Paladins', 'Smite', and 'Realm Royale', all of which are developed by Hi-Rez Studios. These games support cross-play across PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. 'Dauntless', a monster hunting game from Phoenix Labs, also supports cross-play across the same platforms.

Behind the Scenes: How Game Developers Achieve Cross-Play Compatibility

You may wonder how game developers manage this phenomenon. Establishing a cross-play game system is far from a walk in the park. Technically, it demands a high level of cohesion, cooperation, and technical prowess among different platform developers. Let's delve deeper into this fascinating behind-the-scenes process. 

One of the most crucial steps in enabling cross-play is establishing a common server. This is the magical place where all players, regardless of their gaming platform, come together. It's their meeting point, their common battleground, so to speak. Developers have to ensure these servers can handle players from different platforms simultaneously. They have to be scalable, reliable, and secure. 

Another significant aspect is the network code. Game developers have to make sure that the game on all platforms uses identical network codes. An easy way to visualize this: think of network codes as a language. For the game and the servers to understand each other, and for players to interact with each other, they all need to speak the same language. So, regardless of the platform, the code must be aligned. 

And of course, we can't discount the role of the platform owners themselves. They play a pivotal role in allowing or disallowing cross-play on their respective platforms. It involves negotiation, cooperation among various companies - which are often competitors - and a shared vision for a gaming community that transcends platform boundaries. 

Cross-play and cross-progression are integral to our vision for the future of gaming: breaking down barriers that can prevent friends from playing together, and letting you take your progress and achievements with you wherever you want to play
- Phil Spencer

Lastly, but not least, is the task of ensuring game balance. Developers need to ensure that no single platform gives unfair advantage to its users. This means careful tuning of controls, screen resolutions, frame rates, and other factors to assure an equal battlefield for all. 

Can all video games support cross-play?

No, not all of them. Although cross-play is indisputably on the rise, it's essential to know that not every game developer incorporates this feature into their games. 

Multiple factors need to be considered while integrating cross-play. Game design plays a significant role. While some games can be easily adapted for cross-play, others may face challenges. For example, games designed with a specific controller in mind may be difficult to adapt for other platforms. Also, competitive games often have a rigorous need for balance, which may be hindered if a certain platform provides an advantage over another. 

Another critical barrier to the implementation of cross-play is the business aspect. Software companies, console manufacturers, and even the game publishers may see cross-play as a potential detriment to their individual marketing strategies. As such, they might be reluctant to adopt this feature. However, this standpoint is changing due to the consumer’s increasing demand for cross-play functionality in games. 

Does cross-play affect game performance?

Generally, cross-play should not negatively impact your video game's performance. This feature relies more heavily on the servers and network stability than your gaming device. What it essentially does is pooling players from various gaming devices together for an online multiplayer experience, regardless of their platform choice. So whether you're on an Xbox playing with a friend on PlayStation, your gaming performance shouldn't take a hit. 

How can I enable or disable cross-play in my games?

Enabling cross-play in your games is a pretty straightforward process, but it does vary slightly depending on the platform or the game itself. Commonly, options related to this feature can be found in the settings menu of the game, specifically under network or multiplayer options. Make sure to carefully navigate through these settings as activating it is usually as simple as checking a box or toggling a switch on. 

In contrast, when you wish to disable cross-play, the process is effectively the same. You just need to revisit the settings menu and locate the cross-play setting. This time, you would uncheck the box or toggle the switch off. It's as easy as that! 

But, keep in mind, not all games directly offer you the option to turn cross-play on or off. For example, in the popular Fortnite game, the choice of activating or deactivating cross-play aren’t readily available. Instead, matchmaking occurs based on your input settings. If you have an external controller input active, you'll be matched up against other players who also use controllers, irrespective of their platform.

We must note that the ability to enable or disable cross-play may have implications for matchmaking times. In general, having cross-play enabled may increase the potential pool of players you might be matched with, thereby decreasing waiting time. Contrastingly, if you disable this feature, you might experience longer waiting times as the system will be looking for players using the same platform as you.

The Role of Cross-Play in the Evolution of Video Games

But what does cross-play exactly mean for the future of gaming? Greater accessibility for one. Accessibility in the sense that people get to play with their friends, even if they have different consoles. It eliminates the barriers and provides a sense of inclusivity. 

Moreover, cross-play can also lead to an increase in the longevity of the games. We've seen it already. Games like Fortnite, Call of Duty, and Rocket League have seen their popularity skyrocket since offering cross-play functionalities. Call of Duty: Warzone reported a 30% increase in player base after introducing cross-play Why? Because it's simply more fun to play when you can team up with all your friends, regardless of the console they own. In essence, cross-play can potentially boost the shelf-life and overall popularity of the games. 

Another significant implication of cross-play is seen in the potential growth of the gaming market. More interaction means more engagement which translates into more revenue for the gaming industries. As consoles begin to blur their lines, we might also see an evolution in the way we purchase games and gaming gear. The focus might shift more towards the quality of the games, rather than the specific console. 

Undeniably, cross-play is reshaping the gaming landscape. Breaking down barriers, fostering unity, increasing longevity of games, contributing to market growth, and shifting the focus on game-quality -the list of its benefits go on. Cross-play indeed seems to be the future-proof gaming evolution we've all been waiting for. Get set to embrace this change, because this is the direction your gaming world is headed, and it's going to be an exciting ride!